
Jia Rong Wu

Solutions Architect
Tyk Technologies

About Me

I'm a Canadian based out of the province of Ontario. My current title is a Solutions Architect, but fundamentally I am a software engineer and academic at heart. I have been writing software for over a decade starting with Java, analyzing data with R/Python, and most recently GoLang. Throughout my career I've worked for startups, academic institutions, and enterprises - wearing multiple hats in the process.

I'm an alumni of the University of Waterloo (MSc) and University of Western Ontario (BMSc). During my tenure in academia, I was a research assistant as well a teachers assistant. My research interests include compositional data analysis (for high throughput omics data), peptide identification and quantification (for tandem mass spectrometry data), and applications of both supervised and unsupervised learning in spectrum prediction (aka Machine Learning & AI). Check out my blog for some of my more informal research! If you're looking for my peer reviewed publications, take a look at my Google Scholar :).

Some of the courses I've administered:
CS135 Functional Programming
CS231 Algorithmic Problem Solving
CS246 Object-Oriented Programming
CS341 Algorithms
CS482 Computational Techniques in Biological Sequence Analysis
CS846 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering


In my spare time, you'll probably find me tinkering with action cameras, snowboarding on the ice coast or woodworking in my shop!